Archaeological Works

Archaeological works are divided into five phases that will take place throughout the duration of the project.

  1. Continuation of the field research initiated in 2004-2005
    1. Supervision of the construction and restoration works in progress, supervision of the uncovering of layers
    2. Documentation of archaeological and physical findings
    3. Sampling of exposed layers
  2. Processing of the findings of the field research from the years 2004, 2005, and 2014 – the result will be a professional reconstruction of the historical development of the rotunda and of the site on which it was built. It will also be classified in terms of temporal relations by means of physical findings.
    1. Production of graphic output,
    2. Production of charted output,
    3. Production of flow chart for the site,
    4. Processing of findings – classification of findings for drawings, conservation, descriptions, and evaluation.
  3. Analyses
    1. Analysis of 30 samples of mortar extracted from masonry and floor bedding,
    2. Geochemical analyses of samples of slag, ore, metal, unusual coated smear, pigment, spindle whorls, melting pots, indeterminate and questionable findings,
    3. Radiocarbon analysis 14C,
    4. Palynological analyses of stored samples of clay with microbotanical remains,
    5. Geochemical analysis of historical terrain samples, among them types of clay and ash,
    6. Geological report.
  4. Historical Evaluation of the Archaeological Research
    1. Reconstruction of the historical development of the site,
    2. Comparison of acquired knowledge with legends and written reports,
    3. Reconstruction of the architectonic development of the object and its comparison with analogous buildings,
    4. Analysis of found movables,
    5. Historical contextualisation of substantial and non-substantial findings.
  5. Output Production – graphic, tabular, and textual